Monday, February 20, 2006

Terminology of Submission

Submission to Your lover comes in many shapes, forms and colors. I wonder how important is the terminology? - the way we try to label our feelings. Most of the times we fail as words are just not enough. I must admit that to me words, terms and the way we use them matter a lot. They can just make you feel different things. They have to have a meaning to you. Certain level of history has to be there. Since everyone is different, so are the meanings of these words.

Ever noticed the name of a dominant capped in a text. It is an issue with many but perhaps you would notice it even less now than 10 years ago when our lifestyle was not as mainstream as it is now. It may be a way of showing respect to the dominant even in the writing but for other, it may be a reason to find the text harder to read. Dominant, Owner, Mistress, husband, wife..... oh Goddess !! ... Which fires your imagination or reminds you of the history (good or bad) attached to to certain title/word ?

Certain terms and words become more important when some kind of feelings or emotions are attached to them. And the way we put them, hear them and say them. So are your slave or submissive. Or does it even matter? Only you can define, the way you feel it.


At 7:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Within the D/s part of my relationship I call her my Goddess.

And I’m ever so glad that we both preferred this term.

For me it is rich in the lovely depictions poets and painters have created of the ancient goddesses. So when I address her that way my mind is full of beautiful associations.

She hasn’t actually done it but has said that she might punish me by requiring me to address her with an honorific that gives me less pleasure.


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