Friday, February 17, 2006

Self Talk

I must admit that my Mistress has been more consistent with Her blog entries than me (which is awesome cuz i love to read Her posts) and for some reason i get into mental block as i settle before the computer when I want something to write. Last time when i started writing, i came up with a page or two of random ideas and but then i got restless in the end. The feelings of frustration took over me and I did not even care to save what i had written. What a waste of time ! I thought and then that feeling bugged me for the rest of the day. Same goes when it comes to reading other blogs. I am kinda clickaholic now. Click, click, click ... whats next ? whats new ? i find it even hard to skim now. I act funny sometimes and Mistress knows that. (perhaps your are feeling it while reading this too) No i am not locked in a device. Oh ! i am not restricted either. What did you say ? No, She is not into humiliation and humiliation does not help ? does it ? ....hmm ... which button is closer. Publish button or that big red ugly cross in the corner. I dont like corners especially I dont as a submissive. You know what I mean so I will choose to stay in the center.
Click ..


At 7:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Her blog is a consistent delight.

I keep a list of things that I think I’d like to write about so that I don’t forget them. Weeks or months later I’ll be skimming through the list and suddenly the urge to type will hit me.

At 12:39 AM, Blogger kika's spirit said...

That is very good idea Richard. Thank you for sharing.


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